Bill Manager v1.9

We have just released version 1.9 of the Bill Manager app. We’ve updated the UI a little bit, but the main focus was improving the analytics side. We’ve added the ability to view the accounts based on their category and breakdown the cost by month and year.

You can download the app on the Google Play Store for $0.99 USD:

Bill Manager Privacy Policy

The Bill Manager app only stores information you enter on your phone – it does not transfer the information outside of the app at all. If you would like to remove the data, you can do so by uninstalling the application or deleting it from the UI.

The information entered into the app is stored in plain text, so we do not recommend storing any important information (i.e. do not enter SSN, credit card numbers, or account numbers inside of the app.)

Update for 7/7/2016

We hope everyone had a great Holiday! We know we did!

Donny’s has been working really hard to get our Bill Manager ready for testing.  We are almost done with the build and we’re excited to get feedback on the app. The Software is designed to give the user information on how much money from their upcoming paycheck they will need to pay their bills with.

Some Features:

-Nice simple interface that is easy to read.

-Input your payday and set the occurrences (Weekly/BiWeekly/Monthly)

-Input your Bills into the software and it will let you know what bills are due from the next paycheck

-You will be able to set the occurrences of bills particular bills.  This will be great for bills that are due beyond monthly (i.e. A bill that is dues every three months)

– Input/Export options to transfer between devices.

We are looking forward to releasing this App Early August!


Have great week!





Update 6/1/16

Here’s an update on what we’ve been doing since last week:


Bill Manager

Donny has been working on completing the build for Bill Manager.  We plan to starting testing in about 2-3 weeks from and have a final release by the end of June.


Paradise Resort

Mikeyo completed another 7 pages to the story script this week.  He had to do some revisions and restructuring of the script.  Some the scenes did not flow together in their current order.  By rearranging them the story became more realistic.


Idea Vault

Two new ideas have entered the vault.  One is a game and another is an app.  Another project that was in the vault was redefined and fleshed out more.

As always, we’re sorry that we can’t talk about some projects in detail until we get closer to release.



Update 5/27/16

Hey guys, Mikeyo here.  Here’s what Donny and I are up to:

Operation Egg Plant

We decided to archive this secret project. Game Jolt started to add features to their website that we were also planning on offering.  We decided that we did not want to compete against them, which was never the plan.  A year from now we will revisit this project to see if we can develop services that would run parallel with them.  We will see what 2017 will bring for this project.


Bill Manager

Our Bill Management application is approaching it’s end phases.  We will begin to do testing in the next few weeks to start the bug killing.  Final release will be the end of June 2016.



We moved this project next in line once Bill Manager is released.  This is our point-and-click adventure engine for our future games.  Speaking of which we have a couple of games in the chamber ready to be made with this engine once it’s ready to roll out.  Exciting times ahead!


Tapping Game (Working Title)

Nothing new.  We are focusing on creating a S.A.G.E. game first before working on this mobile game.


Paradise Resort (Working Title)

Mikeyo turned in page 60 of his Story script this week.  The story just past the point of no return for the main characters.


Hello Again World

Hello all.  

It’s been awhile since we did an update on what we have been up to.  So first we are sorry.  We didn’t die off.  Just really busy.


Keep Them Sleeping

Keep Them Sleeping was finished in June of 2014 and can be found  Here..  Originally we were going to push past the PC realm and into the Mobile Universe however we had some bugs with the interface.  We decided that the game was doing well in our books on GameJolt with 9.3k Views and 1.7K plays.  

The feedback from the community was great.  Thank you all that played our game, did Let’s Play videos, and gave great input so we can keep the game bug free and easier to use.

Will there be a Keep Them Sleeping 2? Mayyybbbbeee.  Well we have been tossing around an idea for a 3d version of the game or another style of game in the same universe. Unfortunately  we got other projects we need to wrap up first, but we added it to our future game projects.


Midnight Murder

Mikeyo wrote a story script for a point-and-click adventure game called Midnight Murder.  It took about three months to write and it is really awesome.  Originally it was classified as “When Mermaids Cry” to throw off Donny as to which story from our brainstorm forums it was.  

A rash of murders pop up in the City of Bronson that might be linked to a cult who’s leader was thought to have been captured.  You play as John Hilcrest an experience detective that has to track down who is responsible and figure out if the old cult has new leaders.  


Operation Egg Plant

We can’t talk about it too much yet, but we are developing an amazing service for both GameDevs and Players.  It’s going to be HUGE.  Once we can talk about it and all the API documentation is done we will open up the beta.  Stay Tuned!


Seeking Imagination

So it’s been awhile since we talked about this Title.  Lord Sen’s Battle Arena was the original the prototype for Seeking Imagination.  However we were not successful on Kick Starter, so the project was delayed.  Mikeyo is playing around with Unity as a back burner project.  Since it is a background project no dates on its completion.



Besides the team working on Operation Eggplant, Mikeyo is writing a new story script.  He’s almost half way through and soon as the script is protected we will talk a little more about it.

We are reworking our Website.  Expect at least a weekly update when new content is available.